Upload files to Screen Spark

Step 1.

Rename all your files to include your business name first followed by name of file or set order.

Example: JacksBakery-holidaypromovideo1.mp4

Drop photos and videos in the box below.

Once files have been added, they automatically upload.

Max file size: 1GB (1,000mb) Limit 10 files per session.

Step 2.

Please indicate files being uploaded along with instructions, (sequence order, editing requests).

We will contact you once all design work is complete.

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Upload files to

Screen Spark

Step 1. Please read all instructions

  • Click on box below to add photos and videos from our camera roll.
  • Once files have been added to the box, they automatically upload.
  • Keep screen active to prevent auto-lock and do not close window while upload is in progress.
  • Max file size: 1GB (1,000MB). Limit 10 files per session.


*Please indicate in STEP 2 "mobile upload" and description of media*